Date of event:
July - 2023
Description :
“Never believe that animals suffer less than humans. Pain is the same for them that it is for us. Even worse, because they cannot help themselves.”
Cruelty against animals is a reality that as humans we must not only frown upon but take active actions against. Youngsters must take the onus
upon themselves to bring about a drastic transformation in the way animals are treated in the world.
To create an empathetic awareness amongst our learners about the sufferings of the animals The HDFC School, Bengaluru, conducted a
Poster-Making Inter-House Activity on the Friday, 28 July, 2023.
Students across Grades III to XI drew posters to bring to light the plight of animals in our world. Going forward into the 21st century one cannot
afford to turn a blind eye to animal cruelty as they are a crucial part of our eco-system and as humans, we need to ensure their sustenance and
well-being in tandem with our own development and growth. Kindness as a virtue takes one a long way in life for it nurtures the soul and emits
positivity which harnesses the required inner strength to surf through times intangible.
We are confident that with each activity we not only arm our learners with skills but we instil concrete values to guide them through life.