
Events provide a platform to our students to showcase their talents and energies both at the academic as well as creative fronts. An event is nothing without the efforts of a sincere and diligent team working together. Our students and staff are full of innovative and progressive ideas. Hard work and preparedness go a long way and can be seen at the various events being held at The HDFC School and preparing our students to be leaders in the 21st century.

showcase their talents and energies

Inter-house Dance Competition | The HDFC School, Gurgaon

Date of event: September - 2023

Description :

Our Inter-House Dance Competition for Grades VI-VIII was a spellbinding show of grace, fervor, and finesse. Each house presented a vibrant group performance featuring a song and dance form of their choice. The energy on the stage was infectious, and the audience was equally involved with hands clapping, fingers snapping, and feet tapping in rhythm. Here, we proudly present the results:

First position bagged by: Neer house

Second- Vaayu house

Third-Vasundhra House

Appreciation Prize to Ambar House