
Events provide a platform to our students to showcase their talents and energies both at the academic as well as creative fronts. An event is nothing without the efforts of a sincere and diligent team working together. Our students and staff are full of innovative and progressive ideas. Hard work and preparedness go a long way and can be seen at the various events being held at The HDFC School and preparing our students to be leaders in the 21st century.

showcase their talents and energies

Day 2 of Literary Week

Date of event: July - 2022

Description :

It was Day 2 of our Literary Week and our students savoured numerous literary treats. Our young learners from grades 1&2 adored making the Hindi Shabd rail. They thoroughly enjoyed the Story Bucket activity, in which they chose a setting and a character from the buckets. Students of Grade 9 flourished their creative writing skills in a poetry writing activity on the theme ‘Yoga and Humanity’ as they contemplated yoga~s significance in modern life. The poetic fervor immersed the entire class and the result was incisively engaging poetry. They also created collages and posters on different literary periods and explored how literature has shaped society.

Debate and divergence of views enrich our culture and society. The inter-house debates for grades 9-12 at the HDFC school, Gurgaon just reflected that. The debaters put forth their thoughts graciously yet firmly. They exercised their persuasive skills while debating ideas of Contemporary literature and the Metaverse using the lens of critical thinking. The passion was infectious!

Our middle graders toured online gamification applications and created word walls using synonyms and antonyms. Grade 6 German language students made Schultuete and filled it with goodies. The Schulte is presented to students in Germany on their first day of formal schooling. Games and quizzes kept the students engaged and honed their language skills.