Date of event:
March - 2023
Description :
“The best teacher-parent relationship is constantly nurturing and supportive by both sides.
It is not a one-way road but a path that parents and teachers jointly travel.”
The teacher-parent partnership is imperative to the success and positive upbringing of young children.
Keeping the same thought in mind, The HDFC School, Gurgaon organised Parent Orientation programme for grade
I to apprise parents of the transition period during this crucial year. Insights regarding the school~s approach
to experiential learning and sincere efforts of the school to provide best education, nurturing and care during
these foundational years were shared with the parents. The emphasis was laid on the National Curriculum Framework
for Foundational Years which is a part of implementation of National Education Policy 2020.
To acquaint the audience with how the learning happens in the classrooms, the teachers gave a brief demonstration
of the activities and overview of the pedagogies and strategies used during teaching of the various concepts in the classrooms.
Eye - catching demonstrations were given with storytelling using captivating props whereas in Numeracy the teacher showcased
measurement using a weighing scale, going from concrete to abstract and lastly an experiment was conducted to display the
wonders of scientific investigations. The parents participated with joy and excitement in these activities.
The goal of the orientation was to highlight how the school uses experiential learning and holistic approach to empower
students by preparing them to become the forerunners of wisdom, knowledge and good citizenship. Teachers and parents working
together must be celebrated for it helps children reach their full potential.