Date of event:
July - 2023
Description :
The HDFC School, Gurugram firmly believes in its focused vision for holistic education, excellence, and empowerment not
only for the children but also its teachers. “Better than a thousand days of diligent studies is one day with a great teacher,”
with this thought, the school organized a two-day teacher-training workshop on 3rd and 4th of July 2023 for educators of primary,
middle, and senior wings on Reflection and Self Assessment on Classroom practices through the lens of National Curriculum Framework
2023 by Ms. Kalpana Kapoor, a certified veteran leadership coach, school mentor and an Edupreneur.
Ms. Kapoor addressed the issues, challenges, problems, and doubts that helped the educators to get a deeper understanding of the subjects and
concepts in the light of NCF 2023. The objectives and outcomes of the teaching-learning process were thoroughly discussed in this workshop,
wherein Ms. Kapoor introduced many strategies like brute thinking, cherry split, Frayer’s model, inquiry-based learning, De Bono’s six thinking
hats and reciprocal teaching to make the process more engaging. These strategies offered educators an opportunity to enhance their teaching methodologies,
explore new approaches, collaborate with peers, and ultimately, make a lasting impact on their students~ lives. Ms. Kapoor who is highly fond of
abbreviations introduced the teachers to many like KWLH – What I know, what I want to know, What I Learned, and How can I learn more?
Many group activities, discussions, and interactive sessions took place in this two-day workshop in which the educators exchanged insights, gained
fresh perspectives, and expanded their knowledge base. These collaborative learning strategies fostered a sense of belonging, empowered educators to
address challenges collectively, and instilled motivation to create learner-centered classrooms.
By emphasizing interdisciplinary and inclusive education from the standpoint of NCF 2023 and the SQAAF 2023 (School Quality Assessment and Assurance
Framework 2023 by CBSE), the workshop empowered teachers to adopt innovative teaching practices and nurtured the skills required for the 21st-century learner.